Time for a website makeover?


February 1, 2013

It turns out my company’s 4-year-old website is in terrible need of rebranding. This leads me to ask: When is the right time to redesign a website?

After getting over the pain of an expert critiquing the site, I opened my eyes and ears and prepared myself for a major shock. The results have been invigorating.

We’ve contracted with our website expert to redesign our main site and integrate it with several subsidiary sites. The plan is to improve the overall client experience, which I never considered. Our website was designed as a resource for our clients. I felt its primary function was to download material safety data sheets (MSDSs) and labels of the products we distribute. We never thought of it as a place where clients might want to be touched by our service.

Here are a series of questions you can ask yourself (or others) about your website:

1. Has your company matured since your last website overhaul? Changes in services, geography or the evolution of your brand are reasons to reevaluate your site.

2. Are your clients using the site, and have they been asking for anything particularly that might not be there? Don’t dismiss feedback, even when you disagree with it.

3. Is your logo and overall branding dated? We all hate to change our logo and image, but taking a good hard look from 20,000 ft. can be a good exercise.

4. Does your site have the overall functionality it should have? Your clients should be able to get enough valuable consumer information from your site to make them want to book an appointment or at least inquire about services.

5. Does your site meet the needs and exceed the expectations of your existing clients? It’s important to attract and encourage new and potential clients to be part of your service experience. Make sure your site offers a few reasons for established clients to visit, too.

If you have answered “no” to any of these questions, speak to a professional about critiquing your site.

Promoting a great client experience on your website should be a priority in your organization. It’s an investment you can’t afford to ignore.

Reach Stanbridge, a PMP and longtime technology columnist, at dean@directlinesales.com.


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