PMP goes pink in October to raise cancer awareness


October 3, 2016

ncm_logo_pinkResearch offers hope to those whose worlds are shaken by a cancer diagnosis. Studies that explore treatment options, examine prevention possibilities and seek cures all have a role in increasing the survival rates of anyone who discovers they have this disease.

Cancer affects so many people we know — family, friends, neighbors, co-workers — and is second only to heart disease as the leading cause of death in the United States. However, according to the latest American Cancer Society statistics, more than 14.5 million Americans who were diagnosed with the disease are cancer survivors.

To help researchers pursue cancer causes and cures, Pest Management Professional’s (PMP’s) parent company, North Coast Media (NCM), will donate a portion of its October revenues to cancer research.

NCM President and CEO Kevin Stoltman launched the initiative three years ago. And although October is known as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, NCM’s donation will help researchers find the causes and cures for all types of cancer.

PMP also will use a pink logo on social media throughout October to raise cancer awareness.

Managing Editor Diane Sofranec can be reached at or 216-706-3793.

About the Author

Headshot: Diane Sofranec

Diane Sofranec is the senior editor for PMP magazine. She can be reached at or 216-706-3793.

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