Bayer: Digital Pest Management


August 12, 2018

Bayer Digital Pest ManagementBayer Digital Pest Management unites decades of Bayer professional pest management expertise with the power of the Microsoft Azure cloud platform. The first solution in market under the Bayer Digital Pest Management umbrella is its Rodent Monitoring System.  It uses sensors that allow each trap in a facility — often in numerous and otherwise hard-to-access locations — to be monitored 24/7. Rodent captures trigger an immediate notification to the pest management company and/or facility management via e-mail or text message. Real-time graphic floorplans show the status of all monitor locations, so there is no lost time checking empty traps. Up-to-the-minute reporting and trending from the system helps pest management companies review the effectiveness of trap placement schemes, and optimize them to improve effectiveness of the rodent control program. The system can be adapted to existing multi-catch and snap traps, and does not use Wi-Fi or facility IT infrastructure.

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