Robotic Pizza Rat Impersonator Terrorizes New Yorkers


November 10, 2015

Photo courtesy of YouTube.

Photo courtesy of YouTube.

All in good fun, of course.

As a new pop icon, pizza rat has become an infatuation for many. And with such a level fame, it seems only fitting that there is now an impersonator of New York’s favorite rodent.

In September, the original pizza rat was seen trying to scurry down a flight of subway stairs with a whole slice of pizza, and since video of this moment hit the internet, the little pizza thief became somewhat of a celebrity.

For a good laugh, two pranksters decided to recreate this funny moment on the streets and subway platforms of NYC, Gothamist reports.

Created from a remote control car, a taxidermy rat, a slice of pizza and superglue, this prank was ready to roll.

Then, armed with the rodent creation and a camera, the pranksters set off to mingle with the crowd, and well, they definitely got a reaction.




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