Pest Management Foundation names executive director


January 11, 2023

Dr. Michael Bentley, BCE

Dr. Michael Bentley, BCE

The Pest Management Foundation named Dr. Michael Bentley, BCE, as executive director, effective immediately.

Dr. Bentley succeeds Dr. Jim Fredericks, BCE, who was recently named executive director of the Professional Pest Management Alliance (PPMA).

In addition to his new role with the Foundation, Dr. Bentley serves as the director of education and training for the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), and is Pest Management Professional’s new “Callback Cures” columnist. He is a board-certified entomologist who holds a doctorate in urban entomology from the University of Florida. His doctoral research focused on understanding environmental factors that influence the success of invasive ants in the southeastern U.S. Prior to earning his doctorate, he spent five years working in the pest management industry where he held multiple technical and operations roles for a national pest control company. Dr. Bentley also has a master of science degree in medical and veterinary entomology from the University of Florida, where he studied the host-seeking behavior of malaria-transmitting mosquitoes.

“We are thrilled to have Dr. Bentley join the Pest Management Foundation as our new executive director. His unique background combining years working with NPMA, leading his own scholarly research, as well as his direct experience in the pest management industry, make him an ideal executive leader for the Foundation,” Alfie Treleven, chair of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees and CEO of Sprague Pest Control in Tacoma, Wash., said in a news release.

“The Board of Trustees looks forward to partnering with Dr. Bentley as we continue to focus on our ongoing strategic initiatives to support the future of the industry through research, education, and outreach. We are also grateful to Dr. Jim Fredericks for his years of service to the Foundation and wish him much success as he takes on his new role with PPMA,” said Tim Pollard, Foundation Treasurer and president and COO of Arrow Exterminators in Atlanta, Ga.

Founded in 1961 as the Buettner Pest Control Foundation, the mission of the Foundation is to support education, research, and outreach in urban entomology and structural pest management across North America and foster collaboration between industry and the research community.


About the Author

Ellen Wagner is a former digital editor for PMP magazine.

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