The content The Pest Posse is offering in September is in line with its mission to be “a trusted resource for training and information pest management professionals (PMPs) need to sharpen their skills and gain knowledge.”
Check out The Pest Posse TV lineup for September:
- Sept. 5: Celebrating 5 years of great content
- Sept. 8: First episode of the Pest Posse
- Sept. 12: Learning about Sterifab
- Sept. 19: Benefits of state pest control associations
- Sept. 22: Importance of being involved in state pest control associations
- Sept. 24: Today’s PMP*
- Sept. 26: Who is Earth Care
Pest Posse TV is accessible on The Pest Posse website and features new weekly video content — tips, techniques, product reviews, training and pest control-related industry updates — to viewers who sign up for free.
The Pest Posse is based in Santa Clara, Calif., and provides a continuing online and in-person training solution, as well as consulting options, to PMPs.
In addition, the September installment of The Pest Posse Academy Express Training is set to take place Sept. 13. Free to Pest Posse TV members, the training will be presented by Insects Limited Research Associate Ethan Estrabrook, BCE, who will deliver a course on pheromone monitoring for pest management professionals.
Based in Westfield, Ind., and founded by Pest Management Professional Hall of Famer David Mueller (Class of 2019), Insects Limited is a leading pheromone technology company that researches, tests, develops, manufactures and distributes pheromones and trapping systems for insects in a global marketplace.
* “Today’s PMP” airs on Pest Posse TV on the last Saturday of every month. Created in partnership with PMP magazine, the series checks in with PMP Senior Editor Diane Sofranec on the latest developments in the pest control industry, and takes a sneak peek at what will be inside the latest issue.
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