PMP Gallery: 89th annual Purdue Pest Management Conference


January 16, 2025

The 89th Purdue Pest Management Conference took place Jan. 13-15 and was titled “Moving at the Speed of Technology.” The event brought together pest management professionals to exchange ideas, grow networks and engage in the future of pest management. Pete Schopen, owner of RV There Yet Pest Consulting and a columnist for Pest Management Professional (PMP) magazine, was this year’s planning committee chair.

Topics ranged from effective leadership and training to advancements in rodent control technology to sustainable pest management practices to a deep dive into combating chemical resistance.

Anthony Sorrentino, ACE, director of business development for Kalamazoo-based Pest Pros of Michigan, was in attendance a this year’s event and shared his thoughts on its importance.

“This year’s conference was incredibly impactful,” said Sorrentino. “The knowledge and innovations presented will help us refine our processes and bring even more effective and sustainable solutions to our clients. Staying ahead of technological trends is vital for continued success in pest management, and events like this inspire us to continue to lead the way.”

The Indiana Pest Management Association’s (IPMA) Annual Winter Meeting was also held in tandem.

“A standout moment for the state meeting was the induction of Doug Foster, owner of Burt’s Termite & Pest Control, into the IPMA Hall of Fame,” Sorrentino added. “It’s a testament to his exceptional contributions and dedication to the pest management industry.”

Editor’s Note: Check back with this post as it will be updated with additional photos from the event.

Photos from this year’s event:

Pete Schopen, this year's planning committee chair, welcome attendees to this year's event. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

Pete Schopen, this year’s planning committee chair, welcomed attendees to this year’s event. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

Dr. Barry Pittendrigh, director of The Center for Urban & Industrial Pest Management and the Purdue Conference, gave a brief overview the agenda at Purdue. He also spoke on some of the grants received, research projects and future projects at Purdue. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

Dr. Barry Pittendrigh, director of The Center for Urban & Industrial Pest Management and the Purdue Conference, gave a brief overview of the agenda at Purdue. He also spoke on some of the grants received, research projects and future projects at Purdue. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

Mark VanderWerp, BCE, of Rose Pest Solutions in Michigan gave his informative "Year In Review" which included the anticipated cicada brood hatch that never happened. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

Mark VanderWerp, BCE, of Rose Pest Solutions in Michigan, gave his annual, humorous “Year In Review,” which included the anticipated cicada brood hatch that never happened. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

Dr. Dini Miller, PMP Hall of Famer Class of 2019, educated attendees on "Pest Cockroach Appreciation! Be The Expert!" and showed guests the different types of cockroaches they are likely to encounter including German, Smokey Brown, Brown-Banded, Oriental and Woods Cockroaches. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

Dr. Dini Miller, PMP Hall of Famer Class of 2019, educated attendees on “Pest Cockroach Appreciation! Be The Expert!” and showed them the different types of cockroaches they are likely to encounter, including German, smokey brown, brown-banded, Oriental and woods cockroaches. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

Ben Chanon of Xcluder gave his presentation on "Exclusion Practices: How To Prevent A Rodent Infestation" to show ways that PMP's can keep rodents out of buildings. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

Ben Chanon of Xcluder gave his presentation on “Exclusion Practices: How To Prevent A Rodent Infestation” to show ways that PMPs can keep rodents out of buildings. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

Stan Cope, technical director at Rose Pest Solutions recognized any military veterans in the audience, reminded us of the Pest Vets Program and gave a "History Of Yellow Fever" to remind us of the importance of what we do for society. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

Dr. Stanton “Cap’n Stan” Cope, technical director at Rose Pest Solutions in Illinois, publicly recognized the military veterans in the audience, reminding attendees that of the Pest Vets Program is a worthy cause to support. His presentation was on the mosquito’s role in transmitting yellow fever, and how important PMPs are as protectors of public health. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

Pete Schopen moderated "The Ever Changing World of Termite Control," which covered changes over the years in termite control products, pricing models, knowledge needed and tools involved in successful termite treatments and inspections. Pictured from left are Paul Bello, PJB Consultants; Doug Foster, Burt's Termite & Pest Control; Darren Hunsaker, All Clear Pest Control; and Alan Feuer, Preventive Pest Control. PHOTO: CINDI FOSTER

Pete Schopen moderated “The Ever Changing World of Termite Control,” which covered changes over the years in termite control products, pricing models, knowledge needed and tools involved in successful termite treatments and inspections. Pictured from left are Paul Bello, PJB Consultants; Doug Foster, Burt’s Termite & Pest Control; Darren Hunsaker, All Clear Pest Control; and Alan Feuer, Preventive Pest Control. PHOTO: CINDI FOSTER

Darren Van Steenwyk of Sprague Pest Solutions presented "What Does AI Do and Is It Smarter Than You?”,  which gave attendees a look into the future of pest control with the help of artificial intelligence. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

Darren Van Steenwyk of Sprague Pest Solutions presented “What Does AI Do and Is It Smarter Than You?”,  which gave attendees a look into the future of pest control with the help of artificial intelligence. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

"Trends and Innovations In Commercial Rodent Control" was presented by Emory Matts of Rentokil. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

“Trends and Innovations In Commercial Rodent Control” was presented by Emory Matts of Rentokil. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

Leo Reed from the Office of the Indiana State Chemist updates attendees on recent regulatory changes. The panel also featured Bob Dold Jr., president of Rose Pest Solutions, Chicago, Ill.; Sylvia Kenmuir, BCE, of BASF; and the J.D. Darr, the senior director of public policy for the National Pest Management Association. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

Leo Reed from the Office of the Indiana State Chemist updates attendees on recent regulatory changes. The panel also featured Bob Dold Jr., president of Rose Pest Solutions, Chicago, Ill.; Sylvia Kenmuir, BCE, of BASF; and the J.D. Darr, the senior director of public policy for the National Pest Management Association. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

Longtime industry consultant Paul Bello, ACE, BCE, spoke on to the benefits and pitfalls of termite control. Whether you use liquids, baits or a hybrid of both — proper inspection, documentation and treatment methods are critical to your success, he said. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

Longtime industry consultant Paul Bello, ACE, BCE, spoke on to the benefits and pitfalls of termite control. Whether you use liquids, baits or a hybrid of both — proper inspection, documentation and treatment methods are critical to your success, he said. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

Pest Management Professional (PMP) columnist Foster Brusca, co-owner of The Pest Posse, gave a presentation on the importance of using technology to boost sales. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

Pest Management Professional (PMP) columnist Foster Brusca, co-owner of The Pest Posse, gave a presentation on the importance of using technology to boost sales. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

Francie Hindrichsen, the founder of both Founding Females and Simply Integrated — and a second-generation PMP, as the daughter of PMP Hall of Famer David Mueller, BCE (Class of 2019 — focused her presentation on the journey a potential customer takes from first touch to becoming a client. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

Francie Hindrichsen, the founder of both Founding Females and Simply Integrated — and a second-generation PMP, as the daughter of PMP Hall of Famer David Mueller, BCE (Class of 2019) — focused her presentation on the journey a potential customer takes from first touch to becoming a client. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

Dr. Catherine Hill, the head of the department of entomology at Purdue University, spoke on the increase of malaria and vector-borne diseases worldwide. She also noted how researchers are implementing artificial intelligence to help find solutions.  PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

Dr. Catherine Hill, the head of the department of entomology at Purdue University, spoke on the increase of malaria and vector-borne diseases worldwide. She also noted how researchers are implementing artificial intelligence to help find solutions. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

During the event, PMP Hall of Famers David Mueller, BCE (Class of 2019) and Bob Dold (Class of 2002), along with Greg Long, owner of Ace Pest Control, were honored for their dedication and commitment to the pest control industry. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

During the event, PMP Hall of Famers David Mueller, BCE (Class of 2019) and Bob Dold (Class of 2002), along with Greg Long, owner of Ace Pest Control, were honored for their dedication and commitment to the pest control industry. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

During the Indiana Pest Management Association (IPMA) Winter Meeting, held during the Purdue Conference, Doug Foster (pictured with his wife, Cindi) was inducted into the IPMA Hall of Fame. Foster is a Purdue graduate entomologist, a past IPMA president, a PMP magazine Editorial Advisory Board member and the current chairman of the IPMA Education Committee. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

During the Indiana Pest Management Association (IPMA) Winter Meeting, held during the Purdue Conference, Doug Foster (pictured with his wife, Cindi) was inducted into the IPMA Hall of Fame. Foster is a Purdue graduate entomologist, a past IPMA president, a PMP magazine Editorial Advisory Board member and the current chairman of the IPMA Education Committee. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

Dr. Nina Jenkins, founder and CTO of ConidioTec, the company that produces Aprehend, gave attendees a refresher on bed bugs and various treatment methods to combat them. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

Dr. Nina Jenkins, founder and CTO of ConidioTec, the company that produces Aprehend, gave attendees a refresher on bed bugs and various treatment methods to combat them. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

Alan Feuer, ACE, staff entomologist and technical director from Preventive Pest Control, discussed the traits of strong leaders and offered tips for successful training of future leaders. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER

Alan Feuer, ACE, staff entomologist and technical director from Preventive Pest Control, discussed the traits of strong leaders and offered tips for successful training of future leaders. PHOTO: DOUG FOSTER


About the Author

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Doug Foster is president of Burt’s Termite & Pest Control, Columbus, Ind. Reach him at

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