Had any callbacks on ant problems lately? According to most surveys of pest management professionals (PMPs), ants aren’t just the No. 1 pest problem: They’re also responsible for the bulk of callbacks and revenue losses.
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The good news is that certain bait products that target ant pests specifically are also very effective at reducing callbacks.
Most PMPs have a standard service protocol for new customers. This includes an inspection and a recommended treatment regimen. The protocol typically combines several product applications and the procedure is replicated on a periodic (monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, etc.) basis.
Lots of products, such as contact sprays, are registered and labeled for multiple pests, including ants. But while they may be sufficient for maintenance or routine service, they’re less effective on troublesome ant infestations. And they don’t address the troublesome ant callback.
Ant baits, by contrast, are explicitly designed for controlling ants and offer some specific advantages over broad-spectrum, spray products.
Case study #1:
Problem: Odorous house ants are trailing into a residence in a Mid-Atlantic state. The homeowner isn’t satisfied by the PMP’s routine service. The PMP identifies at least six distinct trails around the house perimeter and two trails in the kitchen. The homeowner has some concerns about “spray” products being used inside the home.
Solution: An ant bait product designed specifically for odorous house ants is the ideal choice for this situation. A couple of new options in formulation and product type offer excellent performance:
- Containerized baits, meaning the bait is housed-in or protected by plastic with entrance holes for the insect, like DuPont™ Advion® ant bait arena.
- Liquid or gel formulations that can be applied directly out of a tube or syringe, such as DuPont™ Advion® ant gel.
PMPs can eliminate the infestation within a few days or sooner, by applying these types of baits directly to the foraging trails of the odorous house ant inside and outside. A perimeter application of a granular ant bait would be a good addition to the treatment. A liquid spray may not be necessary, but if it is to be combined in this situation, extreme care should be exercised so all bait placements are not contaminated by the spray product and ants are not disturbed from feeding on the baits.
Case study #2:
Problem: Carpenter ants have infested a home in a Midwestern state and may have nests inside some structural components.
Solution: Because of the destructive nature of this pest, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires data to prove efficacy before carpenter ants can be designated for control on the product’s Federal Label. In this type of situation, PMPs should apply a bait product designed and labeled specifically for carpenter ants. Because the exact nest site is not accessible, properly formulated baits with delayed action insecticides, such as Advion® ant gel, allow the PMP to completely eliminate the nest and infestation. A late-afternoon or early-evening inspection should reveal active foraging trails and allow the PMP to apply several placements of bait. Placement along door frames, floor moldings, and wall seams allows access to foraging ants while preventing exposure to children or pets. Ants should begin feeding immediately with reduction of infestation noticeable within one to seven days.
As pointed out in previous articles (Reference “ Stop Seeing Red,” March 29 and “ Ant Diets: Key to Effective Management,” April 19), baits are selective and should be used in consideration of the changing feeding habits of the given pest. If ants don’t respond immediately to a fresh bait deposit, an alternative bait formulation should be used. As discussed above, a combination of product formulation or application types may be necessary for really tough situations. After all, there’s a reason ants are PMPs’ No. 1 pest problem.
The chart below provides a general guide to ant infestations that can be easily controlled with bait-only applications versus those which may require combination treatments.
Species/Situations suitable for bait-only applications:
1. Ghost ants
2. Acrobat ants
3. Argentine ants (small-medium infestations)
4. Odorous house ants
5. Crazy ants (small-medium infestations)
6. Pharaoh ants
7. Rover ants
8. Pavement ants
9. Red Imported Fire Ants
10. White-footed ants (small-medium infestations)
11. Carpenter ants
Species/Situations that may require application of broadcast products in addition to spot applications of baits:
1. Argentine ants (Large infestations)
2. Odorous house ants (Large infestations)
3. Caribbean crazy ants (Large infestations)
4. White-footed ants (Large infestations)
The DuPont™ and Advion® are trademarks or registered trademarks of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company or its affiliates.
DuPont™ Advion® is not available in all states.
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