
PMPPestTalk is Pest Management Professional (PMP) magazine’s blog. It explores topics related to pest control, including pest management business, technology, industry-related news and features, and personal observations and information from PMP‘s stable of editors, expert contributors and the occasional guest contributor. You can access this online destination for pest management-related topics, which can range from further coverage of the print magazine’s content, to information not covered in the magazine, here:
Pest Management Professional offers a directory of PMP industry blogs for professional advice, business resources and products.
Want to add your blog to this list? Send us an email to with the subject line “Blog Roll.”
Pest Industry Blogs
Adams Pest Control – Adam’s Blog
Alford Wildlife & Pest Management
Certified Pest Control of Naples
The Clendenin Consulting Group
EcoTek Termite and Pest Control
Inman Murphy Termite & Pest Control
Mrs.Bzzz Pest & Termite Solutions
National Pest Management Association
North Carolina Pest Management Association
Pest Control and Bug Exterminator
Phoenix Pigeon Control Company
Pied Piper Pest Control – Malaysia
Safari Termite and Pest Control
Take Care Termite and Pest Control
Truly Nolen – Pest Expert Blog