RANCHO SANTA FE, Calif. — George Rotramel, a leading IPM consultant based in Chicago, recently weighed in on the utility of OvoControl P for pigeons. The following text is excerpted from his Web blog:
“The LA Times reports (June 9) that OvoControl P is reducing free-ranging pigeon populations in Hollywood. When this test began last August, I thought it would probably fail due to in migration of bird from surrounding areas. Well, they’ve had almost a year to migrate in and the contraceptive is still reducing overall numbers, more than a 10-fold decrease in one area in only 4 months according to the LA Times report.
Congratulations to the Argyle Civic Association who had the foresight to fund this project and to everyone else who was involved. Read more on this topic in my November 1, 2007 and June 11, 2008 posts in the What Works section.”
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