Photo: ©iStock.com/eye-blink
MADISON, Wis. — In the back yard of Bridges Child Care, a family child care provider, three children are fixated on some chickens, instead of mosquitoes.
One boy runs around freely without his shirt. So what’s these kids’ secret weapon in the battle against the biting bug?
It’s not willpower but wind power.
The key to freedom for these kids and others enrolled at Bridges Child Care is a barn fan, purchased for around $200 at a home improvement store.
The strong breeze blows on the kids and keeps out the bugs. In fact, it blocks the mosquitoes because they just can’t handle the wind, WISC-TV reported.
Experts in insects said the wind theory is valid and based on science.
Phil Pellitteri, of the University of Wisconsin Entomology Department, said, “Ten miles an hour is about the cutoff that they can’t fly against so if you’ve got a good stiff breeze coming out of the fan there’s no way the mosquitoes can get to you. So that really is a very smart way of doing it.”
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