After centuries — even millennia — of using chemical pest control methods, people are discovering that these tactics may not be as safe, efficient, or as effective in the long-term as alternative “green” products.
More than 4,000 years ago, ancient cultures used sulfur compounds and poisonous plants to kill pest bugs and other vermin. With the development of synthetic pesticides in the 20th century, chemicals have become less natural and increasingly harmful to our health and our planet. While science has evolved exponentially, our strategy seems to be the same “kill, trap, poison” concept of ancient times. Many people — including your customers — are seeking a more progressive solution.
There are various alternatives to harmful and/or toxic pest control. For instance, Bird-X has been developing and distributing humane, eco-friendly bird and pest control products since 1964. These solutions use the pests’ natural instincts to teach them to stay away for good. And unlike with synthetic pesticides, pests do not become resistant to these types of methods, so your installations will provide lasting results.
Companies such as Bird-X offer barrier solutions like Bird Spikes to keep birds off surfaces like rooftops, ledges, and chimneys. When a less noticeable solution is needed — such as for window sills and signs — bird proof gel is ideal. Bird netting is great for protecting larger areas like warehouse ceilings or vineyards.
Another way to deter pests is to attack their senses: visual scares, unpleasant scents, and sonic/ultrasonic devices can be very effective, especially when used in combination with one another. And best of all, these solutions are humane, non-toxic and eco-friendly. To find out more about “green” pest control products from Bird-X, visit — because in this 21st-century world, green is the only way to go.
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