In Harm’s Way


July 14, 2011

A record number of tornadoes recently hit pest management businesses in Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas and Virginia.

If you, or someone you know in the industry, has been hit hard by these recent storms, please e-mail us today.

Whether you suffered an interruption in supplies, loss of customers, and/or your facility, home or employees’ homes were hit, we would like to hear your story and document your road to recovery.

Also, if you or someone you know has been hit hard by recent drought, wildfires, flooding or other extreme weather conditions, please share your story tip with us.

To submit a story:
In the subject line of your e-mail to us, please put: In Harm’s Way. In the body of your email, please detail the name of the person hit hard, his/her company, title, phone number and email, and a paragraph summarizing what happened.

Please send your email to Marty Whitford and Will Nepper.

Many thanks for your time and cooperation.


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