New Recruit HD Inspection Interval approved nationwide


February 3, 2012

INDIANAPOLIS — A new label amendment now gives Authorized Operators of the Sentricon Termite Colony Elimination System with Always Active technology an extra 30 days beyond the annual inspection date. With recent acceptance in New York state, this inspection date flexibility is now approved across the United States.

This regulatory acceptance is welcome news to all Authorized Operators (AOs), who will now have added flexibility around an annual service interval. The amended label allows AOs to monitor the site on an annual basis plus up to 30 days beyond the annual inspection date. This 30-day service cushion provides additional flexibility for annual service of Recruit HD termite bait in the event of busy schedules, weather-related conditions or other interruptions that may delay an inspection at a 12-month interval.

“We strive to bring new developments to the market that add value to our Authorized Operators, so we are excited to be able to share the latest news regarding the labeling for Recruit HD termite bait,” says Jill Zeller, product manager for the Sentricon System.


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