Fact vs. Fiction: Mice


August 1, 2012

Fiction: Mice have poor eyesight.

Fact: Mice see up to 3 ft., which doesn’t seem like much until you consider their whole world is about 10 sq. ft. With the ability to detect motion up to 50 ft., they function quite well.

Fiction: If you see a mouse, it is an indication of poor sanitation.

Fact: Presence of a mouse is an indication of access. The mouse is attracted to a source of food, water or harborage, and has found a way in. If you don’t address how the mouse got in, you will see more mice.

Fiction: Cheese is the best bait for mice.

Fact: Actually, mice much prefer seeds, fruits and nuts. Peanut butter has been popular for many years, but with public worries about allergies, lures made from ground fruits are a safer and more effective choice.

Fiction: Mice need access to lots of water.

Fact: Mice are highly efficient at keeping their bodies hydrated with the moisture from their food.

Fiction: After a mouse eats poisoned bait, it goes outside in search of water and dies.

Fact: If only they would run outside and die there — sparing us the stench of their decaying little bodies! The truth is, most off them die in their nests. Often in a hard-to-reach place. And they stink up the area long after the body has been removed.


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