

September 19, 2012


PestStart is a co-op community helping upper-level license holders in pest control and termite find companies to qualify. With a presence in more than 20 states, and adding six more states in the near future, PestStart can match you up with an experienced qualifying manager. These managers have years’ experience and the licenses necessary to operate as a pest control business. By teaming up with PestStart, you don’t have to spend the time waiting for the next available test date, taking expensive and timely study courses, and then “hopefully” passing the test. Instead, these qualifying managers become an extension of your team, are at your disposal, and allow you to open your doors or continue operating without skipping a beat. All this… at a fraction of the cost if you were to do it on your own or hire a full-time employee. In addition, PestStart is continually on the lookout for those operators who are willing to lend a hand in this network of professionals.


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