Two PMPs win prizes from FMC at PestWorld


November 21, 2012

PHILADELPHIA—Two pest management professionals (PMPs) walked away winners after voting for issues that matter most to the pest industry at the FMC Professional Solutions booth during the 2012 PestWorld meeting in Boston.

Lauraine DeFazio, of Pestex, Newton, Mass., won a free trip to Legislative Day in March, courtesy of FMC. Joe Cantu, of The Bug Master in Austin, Texas, won a bed bug package consisting of a case of the new Verifi bed bug detector, a quart of Transport Mikron insecticide, a can of Talstar insecticide, a can of CB-40 insecticide and a container of Cynoff Dust insecticide.

FMC sponsored the second General Session at PestWorld featuring the political debate, so the company continued the election theme in its trade show booth. Each PMP who voted on topics relevant to the industry filled out a card for a random drawing for a trip to Legislative Day. Then PMPs spotted wearing an “I voted” button on the trade show floor were entered for a second random drawing for the bed bug product package. DeFazio and Cantu were the winners.

“I’m thrilled to be going to Legislative Day next year,” says DeFazio, who has been with Pestex for three years and in the industry for more than a decade. “It’s a great way to let your Congressman know the issues we face as an industry.”

Cantu is eager to start using his bed bug products. “The Austin area has seen a recent rise in bed bug activity and we have already been using the Verifi bed bug detector on residential accounts, as well as hospitals and several five-star hotels,” he says.

Topping the list of the issues that mattered most to PMPs was “Affordable Healthcare for Employees due to the Affordable Healthcare Act.” Coming in second was “New Pyrethroid Regulations.” Third place winner was “Increasing Profits Despite High Gas Prices.”

Other issues that mattered to them included:

  • Bed Bug Insurance Policies
  • Invasive Ant Species
  • Dealing with West Nile Virus and Mosquitoes


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