Marathon Data Systems: PestPac Mobile 2.0


May 14, 2013

Marathon was one of the first in the industry to introduce a Windows 6.5 mobile application, the original PestPac Mobile. Although many users will continue to take advantage of the original version because it is robust and available on a ruggedized device, there is a large group of users that prefer a BYOD (bring your own device) option because of the added ease of use and reduced up-front cost. Both mobile versions have similar basic functionality for technicians in the field. PestPac Mobile 2.0 accomplishes increased data accuracy thanks to its live data synchronization (over a cellular or Wi-Fi connection) to its office software, PestPac. Also, it incorporates new intuitive, easy-to-use “wizards,” such as the material entry wizard. PestPac Mobile 2.0 ultimately reduces hardware expenses and makes it a painless transition to a smartphone that the tech already knows how to use.

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