NPMA announces 2014-15 Board nominees


January 28, 2014

npma_m-logo300FAIRFAX, VA—The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) Board of Directors has ratified the candidates recommended by the NPMA Nominating Committee for the national offices of the Board of Directors. The following is a list of board nominees for 2014-2015:

The Secretary shall be responsible for the recording and distribution of all minutes of meetings of the Executive Committee, Board of Directors, and Membership, and declaring a quorum for the respective meetings.

  • J. Bryan Cooksey, III, McCall Service, Inc., Jacksonville, Fla.

Regional Directors
One Regional Candidate from each of the following NPMA Regions:

Region Two: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virgin Islands

  • Burns Blackwell, Terminix Company, Greensboro, N.C.
  • Court Parker, Bug Busters, Inc., Winder, Ga.

Region Three: Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington, Wyoming

  • Carrie Thibodeaux, Sprague Pest Solutions, Tacoma, Wash.
  • Richard Kesecker, Good Earth Pest Company, Corvallis, Ore.

At-Large Directors
Five (5) At-Large Candidates (not regionally specific)

  • Robert Baker, Clark Pest Control, Lodi, Calif.
  • Michael Botha, Sandwich Isle Pest Solutions, Pearl City, Hawaii
  • Cleveland Dixon, Holiday Termite and Pest Control, Springfield, Va.
  • Richard Ennis, The Steritech Group, Inc., Charlotte, N.C.
  • Stephen R. Good, The Terminix International Co., Memphis, Tenn.
  • Andrew Klein, Assured Environments, New York, N.Y.
  • Chris McCloud, McCloud Services, South Elgin, Ill.
  • Deni Naumann, Copesan Services, Inc., Menomonee Falls, Wis.
  • Emily Thomas, Arrow Exterminators, Inc., Atlanta, Ga.
  • Ben Walker, Gregory Pest Solutions, Greenville, S.C.

Past President Representative

  • Raleigh Jenkins, ABC Home & Commercial Services, Houston, Texas

The Board of Directors election will be held this spring, and, for the first time, NPMA is offering online voting. To ensure you have the opportunity to vote, please make sure the NPMA has your proper email. Contact if you need to update your information.

Additionally, any 25 Regular Members, not more than 10 of whom are within any one Region, may nominate any qualified Regular Member as a candidate for Secretary or At-Large Director. Such nominations shall be made by filing a written petition with the Executive Vice President no later than 15 days after the names of nominated candidates are announced. The name of any Regular Members so nominated shall be included together with the names of those nominated by the Nominating Committee and ratified by the Board in the report of nominations to the membership. Any 10 Regular Members within a Region, not more than six of whom are from any one state in the Region, may nominate any qualified candidate for a Regional Director position provided a written petition is filed with the Executive Vice President no later 15 days after the names of nominated candidates are announced.

Written petitions must be submitted by Feb. 11 to:

Bob Rosenberg, Executive Vice President
10460 North St.
Fairfax, VA 22030


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