Taming the Social Media Monster: Part II


February 25, 2014

Diving a Little Deeper into Using Social Media to Reach and Retain Your Customers

Summary: Simply put, Social Media platforms make it easier for groups and individuals to communicate online.  They can also drive valuable traffic to your website or blog which can turn into new accounts! In Part I of this webinar series on social media for business we looked at the basics of using social media to market to and engage with your customers (and future customers).  We also covered how Social Media and online marketing can and should be a simple, fun and relatively inexpensive way to market to a wide audience. For “Part II” we’ll dive deeper into buying Facebook and Twitter ads as well as how to hone into your target audience; determining who they are, where they “hang out” online and how to reach them effectively through properly crafted tweets and posts.  In “Taming the Social Media Monster Part II” we will focus much of our time on using social media to drive quality traffic to your website and/or blog.  We will also review more time saving tips and organizational tricks to make the experience enjoyable and effective.  This webinar is for you if you’re interested in learning even more about using social media to boost your business while not letting it take over your life

Original Broadcast Date: Thursday, October 31, 2013

Moderator: Will Nepper, Managing Editor, Pest Management Professional
Speakers: Marie Knox, PCO Technical Services Manager, Control Solutions Inc.


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