13 Counterpunches to KO the German Cockroach


May 15, 2014

  1. Hit ’em often. Don’t put the account on a regular service interval until there are zero German cockroaches. Perform service more frequently.
  2. Hit ’em everywhere. Access all locked areas, and inspect them thoroughly.
  3. Keep your eyes open. Monitor with sticky traps. Use the devices as early-warning detection systems.
  4. Keep your guard up. Use plastic bags to cover and seal personal items the client won’t throw out.
  5. Clean its clock. Clean spaces using a vacuum cleaner outfitted with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter before using pesticides.
  6. Triple shot to the head. Use dusts, crack-and-crevice residuals and ultra low-volume (ULV) pesticides to knock down populations.
  7. Body blow. Follow up with gel baits.
  8. More body blows. Once cockroach numbers are low, use more gel baits, and install cockroach bait stations.
  9. Adapt and overcome. Look for signs of bait aversion. Switch bait formulations if necessary.
  10. Get customers in your corner. Constantly communicate with property managers and tenants. Work closely with them to identify all cockroach problems and advance control measures.
  11. Keep customers in your corner. Praise customers when they cooperate with outlined sanitation and integrated pest management (IPM) strategies.
  12. Expand Your corner team. Deputize children at residential accounts to look for German cockroaches and report any activity to their parents and you.
  13. Battle royale. Care deeply and show it with a knockout performance. Everyone deserves to live and work in cockroach-free environments.

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