J.F. Oakes LLC: Redesigned XLure R.T.U. Trap


March 11, 2015

XLure Tab and TetherJ.F. Oakes has improved the body design on its XLure Ready To Use (R.T.U.) Multi-Species Beetle Floor Trap. The trap still contains multiple pheromone and food attractants for 15 stored product beetle species, including the red and confused flour beetle, cigarette beetle, warehouse beetle and Khapra beetle, as well as some psocids. The newly modified body now has a tab on the top, allowing the trap to be secured into place with a tether system. The tether system, also available from J.F. Oakes, will prevent removal by unauthorized personnel, keep it from being removed from a secured area, and will help prevent damage to the reusable trap.


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