Pest Control Solutions Inc.: Chemical Injection Ports


April 7, 2015

chemical injection port in brickTraditional brick walls have an enclosed gap between the exterior brick wall and the inner substrate with the moisture barrier. When installed, the patented, reusable Chemical Injection Port uses the pre-existing gap as a treatment zone to create a continuous chemical barrier around the exterior of a building by injection of a termiticide foam to prevent pest and termite infestation in this area. The Chemical Injection Ports can be installed on either pre-existing buildings or during the construction process, and used in conjunction with existing treatment protocols and methodologies. Creating a continuous enclosed chemical treatment zone protects the chemical from wind, rain, water and ultraviolet (UV) ray degradation, and also protects people and animals from exposure to the chemicals. According to the company, pest management professionals (PMPs) can effectively create a “free” sales force by using mason contractors to sell and install the Chemical Injection Ports to their masonry customers. The ports are installed by the mason contractor during the repair or installation of their customers’ brick wall system. In exchange for selling the Injection Ports to the masons at cost, the masons would be connecting their customers with the PMP to purchase treatment services. The masons generate add-on revenue for the installation, and the PMP realizes additional treatment contract sales.

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