VPMA celebrates remote trap law


June 4, 2015


Del. David Bulova (far right, first row) sits to the left of Gov. Terence McAuliffe as the latter signs HB 1516, Representatives of the Virginia Pest Management Association stood behind them in support.

On June 3, Virginia Governor Terence R. McAuliffe, surrounded by Delegate David Bulova (D – 37th District) and representatives of the Virginia Pest Management Association (VPMA), signed into law House Bill 1516. The bill allows for the use of remote trap checking technology to determine if there is wildlife in a trap.

Pest management and wildlife control professionals provide trapping services to protect homeowners’ properties from nuisance wildlife. Current Virginia law requires trappers to visit their traps daily to satisfy the state required check of a trap. In recent years, remote trap technology products have entered the marketplace that allows the trapper to monitor the trap from a mobile device or office location.  The technology has won positive review from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

“Remote trap technology saves time, fuel costs, and unnecessary emissions while still ensuring a trapped animal is treated humanely,” says VPMA President Beth Duncan, Exterminating Unlimited Inc. “These small efficiencies can make a big difference to the bottom line for small businesses in Virginia allowing them to grow their business’ employment opportunities.”

VPMA is a professional organization of approximately 250 member companies employing more than 3,000 people throughout Virginia and generating more than $280 million in annual revenues. VPMA is dedicated to promoting the interests and general welfare of the pest management industry and to supporting scientific, technical and business research in the areas of pest management.


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