Preventive Pest Control opens Denver location


August 3, 2015

Preventive Pest Control logoAnaheim, Calif.-based Preventive Pest Control has announced the opening of a new location in Centennial, Colo., serving the metropolitan Denver market.

“We are excited about opening this new location in one of America’s 10 Fastest Growing Cities,” says Branch Manager Nathan Frushour, citing a 2014 CNN Money poll. “We are grateful to our neighbors and community for the warm reception they have provided us so far.”

The office is located at 7315 South Revere Pkwy, #604 in Centennial. Preventive Pest Control currently operates 10 other branches in six states: Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas and Utah. Each Preventive branch is locally owned and operated to guarantee expertise with local pest issues.


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