Termites Attack Camera in the Amazon Jungle


September 22, 2015

Dealing with termites as a pest management professional (PMP) is one thing, but for one wildlife photographer working in the jungle, it had the makings of a disaster.

Luckily for Jeff Cremer, the photos were saved.

Luckily for Jeff Cremer, the photos were saved. Photo Credit:YouTube

When photographer Jeff Cremer of Rainforest Expeditions set up his DSLR camera trap in the Amazon jungle, he thought he would leave with a memory card full of rare animal images. What he didn’t plan on was a local swarm of termites being so impressed with his waterproofing job that they would decide to call the formidable setup home.

According to a story on PetaPixel, Cremer returned to check on his camera a month later only to discover that termites had taken over. The pests built a nest around his Canon 7D, infesting almost every inch of it. Like every other nook and cranny in the jungle, his fully-infested camera was just another place for termites to colonize.

Miraculously, the images captured on the memory card were saved and he caught some stellar shots of rare jungle wildlife.

Cremer’s parting advice: Don’t leave your camera near termites. But you probably already knew that in a jungle filled with termites, an undisturbed object would be fair game for a nest. Have you ever seen termites do damage like this?

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