Available for universal, oil-only and chemical applications, HOSPECO’s TASKBrand spill kits come in 5-, 20-, 30- and 65-gal. capacities. They include one pair of gloves, one pair of safety goggles, a reusable bucket or lab pack/overpack, and the appropriate number of socks, pads, and can liners to handle the volume of the spill. A vehicle spill kit is also available, consisting of 20 pads, two 48-in. socks, and two clean-up bags. Other spill-control products from HOSPECO include a complete inventory of solutions. Universal: pads, rolls, socks, and pillows for both water- and oil-based spills; Oil-Only: pads, rolls, socks, booms, and pillows; yellow Hazmat: for cleanup of unknown toxic, flammable, corrosive, and chemical spills; Chemical: a variety of substrates and sizes and for indoor and outdoor use; and absorbent Rugs and Mats.
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