Low gas prices are almost always something to cheer about, but according to Indianapolis news outlet Fox59, they may be a factor in the spread of bed bugs.
It seems people travel more when gas is cheap, and that means bed bugs are catching free rides across Indiana. Exact numbers on the growing infestations are not available because state law doesn’t require bed bug cases be reported to public health departments, but leading experts agree the problem is getting worse.
Unlike other pests that spread across the United States, such as lice, adult bed bugs can survive up to a full year without feeding, whereas younger ones may only live a few months without a meal.
In his Callback Cures column on the subject, Dr. Jim Fredericks, vice president of technical and regulatory affairs for the National Pest Management Association, said, “Thanks to their ability to hitchhike, it’s common for bed bugs to be rapidly reintroduced into a property.” For more tips on how to eradicate this persistent pest, check out his column here.
As a pest management professional, you probably check your room before bringing in your belongings. Specifically, examine the mattress (especially along the seams), the front and back of the headboard, the bed frame, the walls and baseboards. You can never be too careful, especially if you’re staying in Indiana.
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