Phoenix PMP makes bestseller list


January 29, 2016

Local Business MavericksLarry Jack, owner of Jax Pro Pest Control, Phoenix, was designated a bestselling author for his contribution to the third edition of Local Business Mavericks, released on Amazon this month. The book launched to No. 1 in the “Customer Service” category quickly after its release.

Local Business Mavericks is comprised of one-on-one interviews from some of the country’s top entrepreneurs and business professionals in a variety of industries. Jack and his co-authors each reveal strategies for helping their clients overcome the toughest obstacles and barriers standing in the way of their success.

Jack’s chapter in the bestselling book discusses the growing problem of bed bugs in the United States. He covers how to identify bed bugs, how to avoid bringing bed bugs home and what to do if a bed bug problem is identified.

“It’s a growing problem,” Jack says of bed bugs. “There is so much misinformation online these days that it’s hard for a typical homeowner to find accurate information about properly treating bed bugs. Often times, if they do manage to rid themselves of these pesky little creatures, the problem returns in just a few weeks.

“Often times, people just aren’t sure what to do. I was once called to a hospital that had identified bed bugs on a patient. When I arrived, the patient’s belongings were in buckets of water to try to prevent the spread.”

Jax Pro Pest Control has been serving the Phoenix metropolitan area since 1988.


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