Edge Pest Control’s Andrew and Blaine Richardson hold a banner with Principal Kate Ross during the Feb. 12 donation ceremony at Lindon Elementary.
Lindon, Utah-based Edge Pest Control recently teamed up with the Lindon Parent Teacher Association (PTA) to purchase and donate a new copy machine and duplicator to Lindon Elementary. These donations came as the elementary school’s previous copy machine and duplicator, used daily to print materials for students, broke down just after winter break.
“We are extremely glad (Lindon Elementary Principal) Kate Ross reached out and allowed us this opportunity to make Lindon Elementary a better place to work and learn,” says Andrew Richardson, CEO and founder of Edge Pest Control. “This copier will help the faculty and staff automate processes, and in so doing allow teachers to spend more time and energy with the children.”
Edge’s company motto is to “lift and bless” the lives of others, and according to Richardson, this was an opportunity Edge was happy to be a part of: “As parents, we want our children to grow up in a world better than our own, and hope that they, too, will seek opportunities to lift and bless others.”
Ross says the elementary school staff and faculty are extremely grateful for the donation, which was sufficient to cover the entire cost to replace both machines.
“Truly, we could not do what we do every day without the partnerships of our school and business communities,” she says.
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