Termite treatment begins on the infested home. PHOTO COURTESY OF THE RECORD LIVE
As reported in the Orange County (Texas) Record, the Orange Lions Club recently helped a local elderly resident and her son paint their home. The siding was so infested with termites that it was eaten through in several places.
Beaumont, Texas-based Bill Clark Pest Control offered to eliminate the termite problem at no charge. “Because of the unusually wet weather, it took a couple of months to actually complete the work, but no more termites. Just holes in the walls,” the article reports. A local construction company donated the work and materials to repair the exterior, and then the Lions Club picked up the baton by repainting (both the woman and her son were former members of the Pinehurst Lions Club).
“The exterior repairs were completed in May, and for the first time in many months the wind did not come through the walls,” the article concludes.
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