Lloyd Pest Control Services Ltd of Oshawa, Ontario, was acquired by Orkin Canada. Paul Giannamore of The Potomac Co. acted as the sole and exclusive valuation and M&A advisor to Lloyd Pest Control Services Ltd.
Founded in 1975, Lloyd provides commercial and residential pest management services in Ontario, Canada. This transaction will allow Lloyd’s shareholders, Lorne and Nancy Collins, to retire while providing significant growth opportunities for Lloyd’s management team and valued staff. “Swimming in the same pond for over 30 years, you get to know a little about each other,” Lorne and Nancy Collins said in a press release. “We treated and were treated by Orkin as a respectful competitor. Both fish, big and small recognized the strength, adaptability and dedication of the other to survive and thrive.
At the heart of it all, however, lies a simple truth. Your people are the water that keeps a company flowing strong, respect them and treat them well. Your reward, customers keep coming back. We believe Orkin Canada gets that simple truth.”
Of working with Giannamore, Lorne Collins said, “Paul does have connections and insights into the industry that has allowed him to cut through the forest and expose the view. He has a great sense of humor, without that great attribute I think most clients would have a difficult time shaking off anxiety levels that build as the deal gets closer and the waters get muddy. I felt we worked together as a team at every stage and we got to know each other because each party felt they could be forthright and honest about the process.”
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