Caption This: S.W.A.T. team spots mosquito


September 29, 2016



You know you have a funny quip for this Leo Michael panel. Why not share it with the industry? Send us an email with your idea to We’ll print our favorite in the October issue.

If we pick your entry, you’ll win a $50 VISA gift card. Some restrictions may apply.

*Entries must be emailed to the address above. Website and social media comments and/or replies will not be considered.


It seems that the comedy writing duo at Clark Pest Control’s Yuba City, Calif., branch strikes again!

Quality Assurance Supervisor Lance Van Zant receives a $50 VISA card because of his winning entry: Although he was equipped with the best gear that money could buy, he still preferred to use “Old Betsy.”

The runner-up entry comes from Clark Branch Manager Travis Mickel: The PMP SWAT team uses IPM to ensure DOA.

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