Marie Knox has been named director of product development at Control Solutions Inc. (CSI).
“Marie is well suited to lead the product development group at CSI,” says Mark Boyd, president of the Pasadena, Texas-based company. “She brings four years of experience at CSI as technical director for the pest control sales division, and was a key leader in the development and launch of Nimitz Pro G (fluensulfone) for the Quali-Pro brand in turf. The success of Fuse and Tekko Pro in the pest control market can be attributed to her leadership role in their development and launches. The launch of Nimitz Pro G continues to impress the professional turfgrass industry. The superb training programs she has offered both internally and externally have ensured the continued success of the CSI sales teams, as well as that of end users.”
Knox has 17 years of experience in product development, sales and marketing working for BASF, FMC and DuPont earlier in her career. Knox holds a master’s degree in nematology and turf, along with a bachelor’s degree in entomology and business. Her experience in multiple markets has given her a firm foundation for her escalating career.
Her new role began Oct. 1. Her team includes formulation chemists, a product development coordinator, and the technical services group. In addition, she is directing the work of various consultants for CSI.
“New products have fueled the growth of CSI for many years, and I am confident that Marie will bring new ideas and coordination into the company that will help continue this growth as well as strengthen our PMP and Distributor partnerships. Marie brings a new level of excitement to the product development team,” says Boyd. “The future is indeed bright at CSI.”
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