I confess to having a soft spot for working dogs. Witness Exhibits A, B and C.

Exhibit D: I have another soft spot for my own two unemployed (and unemployable) dogs.
But there’s a cool video making the rounds showing the day in the life of Airport K-9 Piper, the 8-year-old border collie protecting the Cherry Capital Airport in Traverse City, Mich., from duck and geese interaction? The airport even devotes a fan page to him.

Piper’s personal protective equipment (PPE) is something to behold.
The team at Terminix recently saw Piper’s video, and according to Sean Lynch, a spokesperson for Memphis, Tenn.-based company, they “were so impressed that they wanted to brighten his holiday season with a gift to show their appreciation and help keep Piper warm out on the runway this winter – from one team of pest management professionals to another.”
Thus, they sent him a nifty coat and a dozen holiday doggie treats in appreciation of his work.

“If I eat all the cookies, can I still fit into the coat?” – Piper, if he could talk
I wish the happiest of holidays to all pest management professionals, two- and four-footed alike. And I’d like to leave you with some more PMP Pups in action, courtesy of Batzner Pest Control:

Roxy sits pretty, at the ready for her next assignment.

Lucy doesn’t let something like crazy patterned carpet get in her way of sniffing out bed bugs.

Hunter is part Basset, all marketer (and bed bug hunter).

Simon says (with his body language): “How come I’m the only one who has to wear the Santa hat? Is it because of my festive personality?”
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