RK Pest Management invites all pest management professionals (PMPs) with a food-handling focus to the annual “IPM for Food Plants” seminar. The integrated pest management (IPM) training event will take place June 7-8, 2017, in Hershey, Pa. Speakers include PMP Columnist and Hall of Famer Dr. Austin Frishman (Class of 2002), Dr. Bobby Corrigan (Class of 2008), Dan Collins, Brett Gardner, Richard Kammerling, Kim Kemp, Al St. Cyr and Rod Wheeler.
From pesticide dependency to IPM and beyond, this two day-seminar will focus attention on the changing landscape of how pest management programs will be performed. It’s designed to give attendees a competitive edge by understanding current regulatory trends, preparing for third-party audits, implementing advanced IPM strategies and learning about “new technologies.” Attendees can also visit with industry vendors during the event, and receive continuing education units (CEUs) and recertification credit from multi-state agencies.
Early-bird registration and more information are online at RKChemical.com/seminar.
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