Rockwell: OutLAST Pro Foaming Agent


February 28, 2017

Photo: RockwellOutLAST Pro Foaming Agent is a broad-use, proprietary adjuvant that can be used for foaming termiticides, insecticides and cleaning products, as well as foam marking. The formula features a Caution signal word and may be used at rates from 0.5 to 8 oz. per gallon. The target mid-rate for the product is 2 oz. per gallon, which will produce thick, long-lasting foam, with most materials. OutLAST Pro features a much lower surfactant load compared to similar use products, which leaves less residue in the treated area and the environment. Extensive testing vs. the competition shows that OutLAST Pro Foaming Agent lasts two to three times longer, sticks to surfaces better and features smaller, tighter bubbles, which results in longer-lasting foam with less drainage of liquid from the foam. It’s available in 1-gal. jugs and 16-oz. squeeze-n-measure bottles.

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