Photo: Rockwell Laboratories
The 5 x 10-lb. cases of InTice 10 Perimeter Bait now include a 1-lb., fully labeled, reusable shaker jar. InTice 10 is a mold- and moisture-resistant, effective and economical broad-spectrum bait for indoor and outdoor use. Its proprietary bait matrix attracts and kills a wide variety of ants, including carpenter ants, cockroaches, crickets, earwigs, silverfish, millipedes, sow bugs, mole crickets, snails and slugs. It is the only 10 percent boric acid granular bait on the market, which the company notes cuts application rates in half, saving time and money for the service professional. For perimeter and turf use, only 1 lb. per 1,000 sq. ft. is needed. The active ingredient lasts up to 90 days outdoors and will not break down from heat or ultraviolet (UV) light.
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