Allergy Technologies is sponsoring the Proactive Prevention Bed Bug Symposium series being conducted at three Florida locations:
• June 6: Fort Lauderdale Broward County Convention Center
• June 7: Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress in Orlando
• June 8: The Florida Aquarium in Tampa
The Symposia’s goal is to increase the awareness, education and cost-effective viability of bed bug preventive programs targeting commercial sales and pest professionals who provide service programs. Ultimately, the benefit of prevention is to protect their clients, beds, guests/residents, and reputation from the ever-increasing challenge of bed bugs.
PMP Hall of Famer Dr. Phil Koehler, an Endowed Professor of urban entomology at the University of Florida, Gainesville, will discuss the latest research findings on bed bugs. Highlights of Dr. Koehler’s presentation will include information on the recently uncovered tropical strain and most effective control strategies. Continuing Education Unit (CEU) credits are available for pest management.
Joseph Latino, president of Allergy Technologies, will discuss unique approaches for establishing bed bug prevention in commercial accounts; address how to “finally” stop bed bug re-infestations and re-emergence once and for all; and uncover the financial benefits of bed bug prevention to both client and provider.
These Symposia are for everyone in the pest management industry that offers service programs to commercial accounts such as hotels, motels, colleges, universities, nursing homes and other multi-occupant dwellings.
“We are extremely excited to sponsor this Symposia series tailored toward learning and understanding how to offer proactive bed bug prevention programs to commercial clients,” Latino says. “Bed bug prevention until now has
been a huge unaddressed opportunity for our industry. Simple but elegant strategies, including products labeled for prevention, are now available that can significantly reduce the degree of bed bug infestations in otherwise highly challenged accounts.”
For more information on the Symposia or to register to attend any of the three locations, visit An RSVP is required and seating is limited. There is no charge to attendees.
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