Editor’s Note: As promised in PMP’s May “Word on the Web” on the Table of Contents, what follows are highlights from Specialty Consultants’ recent industry survey on the mosquito segment, “A Strategic Analysis of the U.S. Mosquito Control Industry.” We think you’ll find the insights provided by Gary Curl and his team dovetail nicely with our own findings in the 2017 PMP Mosquito Management Survey.
There are about 2,100 governmental agencies (city, county, state), including 950 Mosquito Abatement Districts (MADs) providing mosquito abatement services in the United States according to Specialty Consultants’ latest report. Many mosquito control programs were started with seed money from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the 1990s, when WNV began to spread in the United States.

Gary Curl
More than one-third of the professional pest management industry, or an estimated 7,000 companies, offered mosquito control services in 2016. In the Southeast and South Central regions, about half of all companies offered a mosquito control service to their residential and commercial customers. Nationwide, pest management companies generated an estimated $157.7 million in service revenue, primarily (93.3 percent) from residential accounts.
More than 800 mosquito control franchise locations were operating in the United States this past year. On average, they reported servicing more than 250 accounts per branch. About 5 percent of the lawn care companies (LCOs) surveyed provided mosquito control as part of their service.
Respondents reported that on average, just over 1 percent of their total 2016 service revenue was from mosquito control services.
“More than 4.6 million mosquito barrier treatments were performed by PCOs, LCOs, and mosquito franchise operations this past year,” said Gary Curl, Specialty Consultants, founder and president.
Study details
Specialty Consultants conducted in-depth interviews with more than 75 representatives of MADs, key state and county mosquito control agencies, contractors providing service to municipalities, five state epidemiologists, Departments of Agriculture, the CDC, public health agencies, and more than 50 representatives of leading mosquito franchises, to assess the overall size and scope of these segments of the mosquito control market in the United States.
These interviews were supplemented by interviews with distributor management, university researchers, government officials, and other industry experts to properly characterize the U.S. mosquito control market. Specialty Consultants LLC conducted 1,675 structured surveys of pest management professionals (PMPs), LCOs, golf course superintendents, and sports turf facility managers for this study. The surveys were conducted from late October 2016 through early-February 2017.
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