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At the Hershey (Pa.) Lodge, June 5-6, 2018, Collins Pest Management Inc. is bringing together experts in the industry to share their knowledge with those interested in improving understanding of science-based integrated pest management (IPM) strategies and advancing their programs. During the 2018 IPM for Food Plants Seminar, with a theme of “Advancements in Pest Management Strategies,” attendees can listen to and speak with industry leaders in a relaxed atmosphere. Speakers include longtime seminar producer Richard Kammerling of RK Chemical; PMP Hall of Famer Dr. Bobby Corrigan; Al St. Cyr, ASC Consulting; Jeff Waggoner, ACE, Fumigation Service & Supply; and industry consultant Rod Wheeler, among others.
IPM practitioners currently working in or looking to get involved with the food industry will benefit from this seminar. What are the current regulatory trends, strategies for insect management, and third-party audits that will affect your program? Whether you are a manager or technician, this course is structured to provide you the information you need to make the right decisions.
Visit with leading suppliers of pest management materials to find out what is new and talk with them about your unique challenges. A hospitality suite will be available on the first night of the seminar to allow for relaxed and open discussion with presenters and other participants to enhance your learning experience. This seminar will be approved by state agencies for pesticide applicator recertification and CEU’s. Please call 866-875-PEST or 812-425-7000, or email marieg@collinspestmgt.com to verify state recertification credits and category approval. To register or learn more, visit CollinsPestMgt.com/register-for-seminar.
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