Kick off the new year with a mosquito survey


December 29, 2017

Marty WhitfordWinter is in full force here in Cleveland! The snow is falling and the temperatures are dropping, but my Pest Management Professional team is staying warm by working on the April issue!

We’re planning on featuring a special report on mosquitoes, and would really appreciate your input as a pest management professional. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey and provide your expertise on mosquitoes.

Complete the survey by Jan. 12, 2018, and you will be eligible to win one of these great prizes:

  • PMP’s “Pests Playing Poker” poster (1 winner)
  • Marketing Matters (5 winners)
  • Bug People to Business People (5 winners)

Thank you in advance for your insight.


About the Author

Marty Whitford

Marty Whitford is North Coast Media’s VP of Content and Publisher of PMP and GPS World. He can be reached at or 216-706-3766.

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