EPA fines Terminix over Hawaii incidents


March 30, 2018

EPAThe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced a $168,535 fine against Terminix International Co. for misusing three different restricted-use fumigant pesticides (RUPs), at four separate locations on Kauai.

The EPA contends that the Memphis, Tenn.-based company failed to follow required label instructions and safety precautions before and during fumigation operations.

“Access to restricted-use pesticides comes with the responsibility to use particular care in protecting public health,” Alexis Strauss, acting Regional Administrator for the EPA’s Pacific Southwest Region, said in a press release. “Today’s action emphasizes how critical it is for pesticide applicators to follow directions concerning these potentially dangerous fumigants.”

At a seed fumigation site on the island of Kauai, the EPA says, Terminix failed to ensure that only certified workers or workers directly supervised by a certified worker apply a RUP, failed to provide proper worker protection equipment, failed to properly monitor the pesticide’s application or measure the amount of pesticide used, and failed to maintain at least two years of routine operational records tracking applications of the RUP Degesch Fumi-Cel. Terminix had similar violations when using the RUP Profume at another seed fumigation site, as well as the RUP Vikane at residences in Kapaa Shores and Kekaha, all located on Kauai.


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