Now in its sixth year, the North Carolina Pest Management Association’s PestLine project helps the public with their pest issues while also recognizing April as Pest Management Month.
We launched the PestLine to help North Carolinians get answers to their pest questions and to connect with pest management professionals in their local area for further assistance. We made it an electronic hotline so that people could contact us easily at their convenience, through email or social media.
We use the weeks leading up to April to announce the NCPMA PestLine through our social media accounts and the local news media. We use our social media accounts on Facebook and Twitter to keep the public and our members updated throughout the month, and to alert them to the end of the PestLine at the end of April.
The NCPMA PestLine is staffed by our board members statewide. We receive questions through emails on our website, Facebook and Twitter, and our board members are able to respond to those questions directly.
When we started the PestLine, we primarily received questions through email, but as it has evolved, we have received questions through our social media accounts of Facebook and Twitter as well. And people also began sending us more pictures of the pest issues that they are experiencing. Now, we also offer an “Identify a Pest” feature on our website where people can email us year-round with pest inquiries.
So far, we’re enjoying another successful PestLine “season”!
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