Verizon Connect, a fleet management software company, collects data from its pest management customers every day. Recently, Verizon released some reported data with a focus on pest management activity throughout the U.S. The infographic below illustrates pest management activity across the country over the course of a year.
The data collected is from 5.5 million unique pest management vehicles using Verizon’s fleet management software. Between March 2018 and March 2019, these vehicles drove 91 million total miles and made 7 million stops.
The South accounted for 62 percent of pest management activity, and is the busiest region, followed by the West, with 17 percent in reported activity. Georgia, Florida and Texas each average more than 2,000 pest control stops per day, according to Verizon.
The Top 6 most active states for pest management are is the south and west regions of the country. These six states make up more than 50 percent of the total pest management activity in the entire U.S.:
- Georgia (11.11%)
- Florida (10.79%)
- Texas (10.00%)
- California (8.57%)
- Alabama (5.68%)
- Arizona (4.70%)
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