Editor’s Note: Don Leland, a coach at Automate Grow Sell (AGS), shares a Field Guide for pest management professionals (PMPs) to use during the new coronavirus (COVID-19). AGS is a team of small business coaches for businesses in the service industry, including pest control. Below he shares some insight into his background and how the AGS Field Guide can help PMPs.
I managed pest control companies in Seattle, Wash., for 12 years. During my time directly in pest control, I was involved in the U.S. Pest Management Professionals Association (USPMPA) after realizing my passion was in helping small businesses grow. I pivoted to becoming a small business coach, and joined the certified coach group at Automate Grow Sell (AGS) Conquer.
AGS Conquer is a business building program specifically, and exclusively, for home service professionals. Our clients, whom we refer to as “Conquerors,” include pest and wildlife, landscapers, painters, exterior cleaners, window washers and maid services. What we do is provide a community of peer companies and certified coaches who engineer and execute business sprints to exponentially grow their companies.
By mid-February, we quickly realized that our Conquerors were struggling with how to respond to COVID-19, and we also saw the writing on the wall that this crisis wasn’t going to end soon. We quickly teamed up and created a field guide to help service businesses continue to function, and possibly thrive, in this time. Service companies can all benefit from this document. We go over financial preparation and reaction, supply chain disruption, marketing & sales in a crisis, public relations, templates, FAQs and more. To get this direct to your inbox, just text conquercovid to 44222.
Download the COVID-19 Field Guide here.
Read more COVID-19 coverage here: MyPMP.net/COVID-19
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