IPM Symposium sets sights on March 2021


May 13, 2020



The 10th International Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Symposium is currently being planned for March 15-18, 2021, at the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel in Denver, Colo. The deadline for IPM Achievement Award nominations is June 12, 2020, and the deadline for session and individual presentation proposals is June 30, 2020.

The organizers note on the home page, “We understand COVID-19 has created many unique challenges, making this a difficult time for everyone, but the Steering Committee is optimistic that the symposium will take place as an in-person event as planned. However, we are working to develop a contingency plan that may involve postponing or switching to a virtual event. We also realize that some deadlines (including registration) may need to be adjusted to accommodate those impacted by the pandemic in various ways, especially when delays are due to restrictions imposed by institutions or employers.”

Featuring a theme of “Implementing IPM across Borders and Disciplines,” the event is scheduled to feature the following highlights (per the website):

  • Mini-symposia featuring experts addressing hot topics in the IPM field
  • More than 40 concurrent sessions designed for practitioners, growers, educators, consultants, researchers, industry professionals, students, and employees of non-governmental organizations
  • CCA credits available
  • Presentation of theĀ 2021 IPM Achievement Awards
  • Poster presentations of research and best practices
  • Field trips to see IPM in action in the Denver area
  • Exhibits from leading IPM suppliers

Past participants at IPM Symposium events have included research, extension and teaching academics, IPM-oriented students, private and government scientists, industry representatives, independent consultants, NGO professionals, policy makers and agency administrators, and IPM practitioners from the U.S. and more than 30 countries.


About the Author

Heather Gooch

Heather Gooch is the editor-in-chief for PMP magazine. She can be reached at hgooch@northcoastmedia.net or 330-321-9754.

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