Dr. Nina Jenkins
Target Specialty Products, a service provider of pest and turf and ornamental solutions in the United States and Canada, will hold a 1-hour webinar on Thursday, June 4, at 1:30-2:30 p.m. Eastern. As part of its Business Growth Webinar Series of 2020, the topic is “Developing Successful Bed Bug Protocols.”
Aprehend has partnered with Target for the webinar. The guest speaker will be Dr. Nina Jenkins, an associate research professor in the Penn State Department of Entomology, and co-founder and chief technology officer of ConidioTec, the company that produces Aprehend.
Her presentation will teach pest management professionals (PMPs) how to use their understanding of bed bug biology to implement assessment based management, using minimal prep protocols. The session will focus on strategic implementation of existing techniques and products to maximize successful remediation. Critical elements of implementing insecticide resistance management specifically for bed bugs will also be discussed.
PMPs can register for the webinar free of charge here. Attendees are invited to ask questions at the conclusion of the webinar.
ConidioTec is a spin-out company from Penn State University, based in Centre Hall, Pa. It holds the exclusive license for the patented technology behind Aprehend.
Click here to be added to Target’s mailing list and notified of future educational opportunities. Headquartered in Santa Fe Springs, Calif., Target Specialty Products operates 44 locations across the United States and Canada.
This is Target’s 6th webinar of its Business Growth Webinar Series of 2020. Here were the previous events:
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