The 19th Parasitec Paris 2020 Expo will take place in person at the Paris Event Center Nov. 18-20. Registration is now open.
A news release reports that “in addition to the basic instructions issued by the Ministry of Health, recommendations and measures are being developed to guarantee maximum health security for all exhibitors and visitors.”
In 2018, the last time the event took place in Paris, 93 exhibitors from 23 countries attended. Sixty percent were international exhibitors. In addition, 72 countries were represented by the 3,206 attendees. The 2019 Expo took place in Budapest, Hungary; the event is typically held in Paris every other year.
The event is being organized by PC Media, in partnership with the European Association of Professional Trained Pest Managers (CEPA). Sponsors include International Pest Control, Bâtiment Entretien magazine, N & Pi magazine, Pest magazine, Plagas Urbanas magazine and Services magazine.
Confirmed exhibitors include (click here to access each exhibitor’s website):
- AdKalis
- Aedes-Protecta
- Air’Adik
- Airofog Machinery
- Babolna Bio
- Bayer SAS
- Bell Laboratories
- Blue Line Group
- BlueStar
- BuzzBusters
- Catchmaster
- Challenge
- Colkim
- CS3D
- Detia Degesch
- Dipteratech
- DT Groupe
- Eco Flair
- EcoPic
- Edialux
- eKommerce
- Ensystex
- EuroImpex Polska
- France Pests
- Huck Occitania
- iGEBA Gerätebau
- inPEST by GEA
- Invest Electronics Ltd
- Irto Trio KFT
- ISO2000
- iStav
- ISInnovation SAS
- Jiangsu Inter-China
- Jost SA
- JY Industry Co.
- Kukbo Science Co.
- Kwizda
- Liphatech SAS
- Lodi Group
- Lombarda H
- Longray Technology Co.
- Mabi
- Martignani
- Mesto
- Mylva
- N & Pi
- Newpharm
- Noxima
- Octavius Hunt Ltd.
- Orcad Laboratory
- Orma SRL
- OSD Ecotech Group
- Papírna Moudrý
- PelGar International
- PestWest
- Plasdiversity
- Quimunsa
- Ratdar
- Ratdown
- Russell IPM
- Saneo
- SM Bure
- Sodif
- Staphyt Regulatory Affairs
- Syngenta
- Telex Environment Trading Co.
- Thermobile France
- Tifone Ambiente
- Vebi Isituto Biochimico SRL
- Wains
- Wenov
- Zapi Spa
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