Founded in 2012, Logan, Utah-based Fox Pest Control serves more than 50,000 customers and has 18 branch locations nationwide. Its reputation for community service continued Aug. 1, a day in which three branches undertook major projects:
On Aug. 1, the Rochester, N.Y., branch teamed up with Damore Lawn and Landscape to offer free landscaping and pest control services from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. to Donna Diekmeier, a Penfield, N.Y., resident. More than 25 employees volunteered their Saturday morning to lay 8 yards of fresh mulch, trim bushes and trees, fix holes in the foundation and plant various flowers and shrubs. The costs were quoted at $9,725, but offered at no charge. Fox Pest plans to treat Diekmeier’s house as well, which normally retails around $140 per quarter.
Zach Ruliffson, a service technician for Fox Pest Control, met Diekmeier during her quarterly extermination service. To sufficiently treat homes, vegetation should be 6 feet away from the foundation. After seeing the state of her yard and understanding her financial situation and age, Ruliffson contacted his team members and a fellow landscaping company to help out.
“This is a great opportunity to help someone in need for assistance,” Fox Technician Brian Gorton noted in a news release. “We will set her up to feel a little better about how her home looks, as well as alleviating her mind of one more thing from her to do list during the time period we are going through this year.”
Ten team members of the Lombard, Ill., branch of Fox Pest Control removed a faulty deck of longtime customers Thomas and Janet Stuckey to allow easier mobility.
Branch Manager Tom Reynolds met the Stuckeys in 2017, when he regularly treated their home. After many conversations and getting to know the couple better, Reynolds learned that Janet and Thomas, a former Marine, experience mobility difficulties, especially around their deck.
Reynolds provided all the power tools, gloves, saws, eye protection, disc blades, etc. Total costs came to around $250, but was absorbed by Reynolds and the Fox family.
With the help of both employees and customers, the McAllen, Texas branch of Fox Pest Control distributed $1,400 of food and supplies and $1,000 of monetary donations to three McAllen organizations in the wake of COVID-19 and Hurricane Hanna. Fundraising efforts began July 24 and ended Aug. 14. In total, Fox’s customers brought in 80 percent of all food and supply donations.
Jason Thompson, owner of Fox Pest Control’s McAllen branch, wrote a check for $1,000 to the Food Bank of the Rio Grande Valley. The food and supplies, which were donated by Fox’s Pest Pros and customers, were then given to The Church at Bethany in Alamo and a missionary organization that helps doctors in Mexico.
Local service manager and food drive organizer Josh Castelan expressed his gratitude for the magnitude of donations.
“It was amazing to see how much love our customers have for the community,” Castelan said. “Everybody really came together in the aftermath of the hurricane and in the middle of this pandemic to provide for those in need — and there are many.”
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